5 ‘WEDOLUTIONS’ every couple should make in 2016

2015 was AMAZING! We are so thankful for all the magical moments from the past 12 months and the experiences we had meeting so many beautiful people at some spectacular events. But now it’s time to say goodbye to 2015, because 2016 is here and it’s going to be unbelievable!

At this time of year everyone’s talking about their new year’s resolutions, but here at Gold Coast Tipis we think you should make a ‘new year’s WEDOLUTION’.

Whether you’re already married, or looking to get hitched this year, here are 5 WEDOLUTIONS we think every couple should make so that 2016 is a year of wedded bliss!

Switch off technology

Technology is a real passion killer! Switch it off and switch on to each other instead!

Do you ever find yourselves sitting on the couch in silence, immersed in technology, both on your phones, iPads or computers? Why not use this time to connect, communicate and catch up on what happened during the day. Make it a rule, no technology past a certain time at night.

Do something fun together and do it regularly

When life gets busy it’s great to have a little planned activity to escape to so you can de-stress and re-connect. It might be a game of tennis, time at the gym or even just a surf together, these little scheduled dates will really ‘recharge’ your relationship. We get so swept away with work, family and day-to-day chores that we sometimes forget to make time to just ‘have fun together’.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

In relationships it’s often the small stuff that irritates us the most. Clothes on the bathroom floor, chores, washing etc, etc. Make the decision to ‘not sweat the small stuff’ and pick your battles a little more carefully. Put things in perspective and think about whether it’s worth the fight or if it’s something you shouldn’t waste your time worrying about.

Plan a getaway (or two or three)

Who doesn’t love a holiday? Even if it’s just a weekend away, planning a trip is refreshing, exciting and it’s a fantastic opportunity to focus purely on each other. From the moment you book your getaway you instantly have something to look forward to and something to work on together.

Even better, if you’re engaged and planning your wedding in 2016, start researching honeymoon getaways! Getting married is one of the most exciting times of your lives, why not follow it up with your dream holiday.

Compliment more, criticise less

You might do this already, but if you’ve been together a while you may find yourself criticising your partner more than you compliment them. In 2016 make a conscious decision to compliment instead of criticise. It’s easy to say nice things about each other and the flow on effects are amazing! In relationships it’s common to mirror each other’s behaviour, so you’ll probably find that the more you compliment your other half, the more they will start complimenting you back! Try to say 3 nice things about each other every single day. Share the love!

Happy New Year!!

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